Tapping Into Sleep


Discover a proven technique to help you fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up feeling rested the next day.


Giving you the energy to live your best life!


This program provides the tools you need to get the best possible sleep...even during challenging times!

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Meet Carol Richard, founder of

the Sleep Success Academy

For many years, I could not fall asleep or stay asleep, no matter what I did. I longed for just one good night's rest, but it felt like my brain was wired and I could not turn off my racing thoughts. 

Can you relate?

I struggled to understand what was happening to me. How was everyone around me able to sleep so naturally, yet I couldn't shut down my mind long enough to fall asleep?

The thought that I would be like this for the rest of my life terrified me. I believed I was doomed to be a poor sleeper forever.

That was until I discovered the amazing technique called Tapping… AND EVERYTHING CHANGED.

I had already stopped working, stopped hanging out with friends, and derived little pleasure from my day-to-day life. My body and mind were so exhausted from lack of sleep that I could barely take care of myself. So when I stumbled upon tapping, I had nothing to lose by trying it out.

Within a few weeks of tapping and applying it for my sleep issues, I woke up on the couch one afternoon…


It felt like nothing short of a miracle because I hadn't been able to do that in over two years.

If you are reading this I am guessing you fit into one of these categories...

You are struggling to fall asleep. You've tried all sleep hygiene tips and evening rituals, but none of it works because the moment your head hits the pillow, you are wide awake. This leaves you:

  • Putting off going to bed, knowing you're in for another horrible sleepless night.
  • Lying in bed feeling anxious, stressed, frustrated, etc...
  • Resenting the "other people" who can fall asleep so easily.

You wake up during the night and can't get back to sleep because your thoughts come rushing in and you battle to switch them off. Even when you try to relax, your racing thoughts seem to have the upper hand. This leaves you feeling:

  • Worried, counting the hours you need to sleep in order to function the next day, and asking yourself how you will cope on so little sleep.
  • Annoyed that you are awake again, feeling that getting back to sleep is impossible for you.
  • Lonely and frustrated when the whole world seems to be sleeping around you.

You dread the alarm clock in the morning knowing the day ahead will be difficult because you didn't sleep enough. Leaving you feeling:

  • Exhausted at the thought of having to get out of bed and start your day.
  • Down about this situation where nothing you try seems to help you to sleep better.
  • Defeated and hopeless, at a loss for what to do next to overcome your sleep issues.

 Are you ready to improve the quality of your sleep and live your best life?


Tapping Into Sleep is a self-guided online course to get you started on your journey to better sleep.

Start today with a one-time payment of $197 (lifetime access)


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Here is what you'll learn in the Tapping Into Sleep program:


✔️ The basic Tapping technique and how to use it to improve your sleep.

✔️ Easy ways to incorporate Tapping in your daily life.

✔️ How to create a healthy sleep mindset to improve the quality of your sleep. 

✔️ Tools to identify which emotions are getting in the way of your sleep.

 ✔️ How to recognize your limiting beliefs about sleep AND how to transform them.

 ✔️ How to pinpoint habits that might be interfering with your sleep.

Here is what you will receive:


✔️ 7 video modules that will give you with the skills and knowledge you need to use Tapping specifically for your sleep issues.

✔️ Downloadable worksheet to track your progress through the program.

✔️ Unique login to access all your content from your computer or mobile device.

✔️ Email support for any questions that arise.

✔️ Lifetime access so you can access the program whenever you need it.

My Risk-Free Guarantee

My mission is to help you improve the quality of your sleep and this course contains the tools to do just that. If you don't love this course for any reason, email me within 30 days of purchase and I'll give you a full refund. No hard feelings.

I am ready to start my journey to better sleep!