Hi, I'm Carol
This is me enjoying a hot chocolate on my favorite hiking trail.
If I had one message to share with the world, it is that everyone deserves and is capable of good sleep! I believe everyone can sleep better once they create awareness around what is getting in their way. I also know that when you are sleep deprived, it’s not easy to do that on your own.
It took me years to figure out how to sleep for more than a few hours a night. I was absolutely desperate for sleep, but I just didn’t know how to make it happen. As my stress increased, my day-to-day life became unmanageable. The worst my sleep got, the more it felt like my life was spinning out of control.
Nothing I was doing was working, until I found Tapping.
Then my life changed in the most amazing ways. I used Tapping to reduce the daily accumulated stress and I started taking better care of myself. Once that happened, I noticed that my behaviors and beliefs also started to shift. My sleep started to come back, and since then, I’ve been able to maintain 95% good sleep.
It’s been the most incredible journey for me, and I want to share it because I believe it’s possible for you as well.
One step at a time, one day at a time…better sleep will come. And then life becomes beautiful.